David Cronenberg's "A History of Violence" Premieres At 2005 Cannes Film Festival
Based on the graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke, "A History of Violence" stars Viggo Mortensen as Tom Stall, a pillar of a small town community who runs a diner and lives a happy and quiet life with his wife (Maria Bello) and two children. But their lives are forever changed when Stall thwarts an attempted robbery and is lauded as a hero by the media, attracting the attention of some mobsters (William Hurt and Ed Harris) who believe he is someone else. The film co-stars Ashton Holmes, Heidi Hayes, Stephen McHattie, Greg Byrk and Peter MacNeill.
Directed by David Cronenberg, the screenplay is written by Josh Olson. The producers are Chris Bender and JC Spink of BenderSpink.
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