
Scotsman Gives a review of The Dead Zone

I find it interesting to read a review from another countries point of view.

Still, at least the teachers were fairly normal, well-adjusted people. In other words, they were totally unrealistic. Most American TV-series characters are. I’m not knocking it. People who appear on telly or in films are our gods, our role-models and ideals. Sure, you can create ironic slobs and all the rest, but every show, no matter how postmodern, will have a handsome hero and a winsome wifie.

Dialogue, too, tends to be idealised, though this only reflects the fact that many Americans do actually live their lives as if they were in a film. Some of them even get to be president.

Thus one manly chap says to his missus: "Hey, what d’ya say we do a little snowboarding tonight, huh?" Then he kisses her on the cheek. In Britain today, such behaviour is grounds for divorce.


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