// I recommend you leave this here as otherwise when you resize NS4's width menus are hidden.
var popOldWidth = window.innerWidth;
nsResizeHandler = new Function('if (popOldWidth != window.innerWidth) location.reload()');
// This is a quick snippet that captures all clicks on the document and hides the menus
// every time you click. Use if you want.
if (isNS4) document.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);
document.onclick = clickHandle;
function clickHandle(evt)
if (isNS4) document.routeEvent(evt);
// This is just the moving command for the example.
function moveRoot()
with(menu[0][0].ref) left = ((parseInt(left) < 100) ? 100 : 5);
// End -->
Zap2It's TV Gal Talks About The Dead Zone!
Sarah Wynter returns to "The Dead Zone" this Sunday at 10 p.m. on USA. She'll also be back for the two-part finale on Aug. 22. Robert Iler, Anthony on "The Sopranos," also guest stars on this week's episode as a high school troublemaker. When I interviewed Iler at the start of "The Sopranos" season, he told me he would love to guest star on "The O.C." Ryan and Anthony, Jr. in a fistfight Orange County style. Now that would be some good times.
I wrote to TVgal to let her know about the schedule change...here's hoping she can get the scoop for us!
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