Nicole deBoer Answers Your Letters!

Nicole deBoer has finally gotten a chance to answer some of the fan's emails that are sent in from the offcial USA Network Site.
Thanks to Kelling, on the USA Messageboard for letting us know.
Here are a few of the Q and A's.
Q: What do you like and dislike most about being an actress?
- Sunnie Crowson, Alaska
NDB: What I love is I get paid to do something that I truly love. The part I don't like is all the waiting in between scenes. Also, I don't like being away from my husband John. And, like most actors, I don't like auditioning - it freaks me out. Thanks for your question.
Q: I have enjoyed your work in Star Trek: DS9 and The Dead Zone. I also enjoyed you on The Outer Limits and in the movie Cube. Are you currently working on any side projects?
- Scott, Jeffersonville, IN
NDB: A good deal of my non-Dead Zone time is spent with my husband John and his band All Systems Go on tour. The past two summers I did indie films. One is a comedy called Phil the Alien, where I play an assassin. The other one is a satire of reality TV called Public Domain where I play an alcoholic character that's obsessed with the '80s. Public Domain is making the rounds at film festivals around the country and Phil the Alien is in post production. Keep your eyes peeled for them both at a theatre near you.
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