Another Upcoming Guest Star
And another Smallville Conection.

Elias Toufexis
Elias will be playing "Racist Punk Alex" in the upcoming Shadows episode. His past work includes Five People You Meet in Heaven, The (2004) (TV) (filming)/Morton, Decoys (2004)/Roger Reynolds and Brilliant (2004)/Adam. He's also been in the following TV shows. "Dead Like Me" (2003) playing "Brian" in episode: "Last Call" (episode # 2.13) 17 October 2004 ,"Smallville" (2001) playing "Luke" in episode: "Asylum" (episode # 3.9) 14 January 2004 ,"Days, The" (2004) playing "Josh" in episode: "Day 1,412" (episode # 1.1) 2004 and "Fries with That" (2004) playing "Dwayne" in episode: "While Supplies Last" (episode # 1.25)
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