AMH In Emmy Mag June 2004

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Anthony Michael Hall appeared in Emmy Magagine, the June 2004 issue with Charlie Sheen on the cover. The full size picture has the breif article on it, but the image is fuzzy to read.
Here's what it says
HOT STAR: Anthony Michael Hall.
HOT GIG: Sends chills as psychic Johnny Smith on USA’s supernatural hit The Dead Zone.
SUMMER FUN: Hall, who rode to fame as the epitome of ’80s teen flick geekery, has really evolved. His show is unusually uplifting, as is his idea of a great day. At the Self-Realization Fellowship, an oasis of ponds, garden paths and meditational shrines in Pacific Palisades, he prays, writes in his journal and just stops to smell the incense. "A friend turned me on to the spot ten years ago. It’s a wonderful place for solitude." He’s also big on Kriya yoga, but his bull mastiff, Rey, hangs loose another way: "We drive up the coast, and he loves it. He’s a stick-your-head-out-the-window dog."
DOWNTIME DOWNSIDE: Every time he goes to the beach, "I’m reminded I can’t surf."
Thanks to Linda for sharing the info
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