
Sorry this is a little late. Piller announces Offically at the USA Network Site, his dropping down on the show.
He also teases us some more about The Hunt for Osama, which is retitled to be just The Hunt. He tells why in the article.
It's a great read and talks about this summers series as well as Karl Schaefer, the new head writer. If I remember right, his series Eerie, Indiana used to air on Sat. Mornings. I loved it and still remember the episode with the twins that the mom kept in Tupaware containers so they'd never grow up. lol ( Hoping I'm remembering the right show here.)
He also links to the screenplay for The Hunt, for those of use that can't wait to see it, at least we get to read it.
Thanks Michael Piller from those of us at Visions of Johnny for bringing us this great show!


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