

Ratings from last Sunday are out, and they are good, in fact, the numbers are better than the week before.

Nielsen, week ending 3/2, Top 10 Ad-Supported Cable Shows

Adults 18-49
Rank 9, 1,834,000 viewers
Last week: 1,762,000 viewers

Adults 25-54
Rank 8, 1,913,000 viewers
Last week, 1,554,000 viewers (a 23% increase!)

DZ didn't make the top 10 this week in 18-34 viewers. But it's not the rank that's important, it's the number of viewers, and they're trending upward from last week.

Additionally, January household ratings (percent of all US households) averaged a 1.1, which means 1.1% of all US households watched DZ. A trade publication described that as "solid."

Thanks to Roberta for the info!


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